Analytics Solutions
for the Services Sector
The services area is responsible for bringing value to other organisations in various ways, whether through outsourcing processes, advice, expertise or experience. In a digital transformation context, even services that are not typically associated with information technology, such as financial and accounting services, law and food, among others, will certainly generate data that can be analysed. Thus, implementing analytics solutions for the services sector can be seen as an additional aspect that enable a distinctive offer and brings even more value to client companies by providing specific insights, benchmarking and, in short, applying all the know-how of the organisation providing the service at the disposal of its customers.
Use cases | Service sector
The provision of a service presupposes that there is increased know-how about it. The creation of an analytics solution that, based on the data generated by the service, is made available to client organisations, makes it possible to systematise information and know-how in visualisations that indicate trends and the current state and, in this way, provide management support to these same companies.
By centralising information from the various customers regarding the service provided, it becomes possible to anonymously give an indication of how they position themselves and thus add value to the service analysis. This information can even be provided as an additional service.
The provision of services is typically associated with a contract that establishes the targets and indicators to be met. By making this information available through an analytics solution, it is possible for customers to monitor these indicators more closely and thus make the contracting of the service more transparent, which can be a differentiating factor.

Stories in the Services Sector
Integrating systems with BI
The creation of a Business Intelligence and Analytics area was identified as a priority to provide additional services to its clients in outsourcing services and thus enable them to support their decision-making processes with concrete data.
WI-FI telemetry with Pentaho
Nomad Digital, a provider of wireless connection solutions for the transport sector, needed to have a centralised view of data on the telemetry of their systems and fleets and simultaneously monitor the SLAs associated to the service, for which a business intelligence and analytics solution was implemented.