UX Framework: how to create memorable experiences

The Ux process aims to achieve the most effective and engaging experiences in a digital product: it shapes the landscape, guides users, and offers them something useful, valuable, and affects how they feel. Content, structure, and navigation come together to provide memorable experiences. An ideal experience allows users to complete a task effectively, positively, and ends with a sense of satisfaction. Discover Xpand IT’s UX framework: 

The importance of psychology in UX

The UX process starts with aligning business objectives with the target audience’s expectations. By understanding the behavioral and cognitive psychology of this audience, it is possible to provide them with an effective and valuable experience. 

In behavioral Psychology, we know that it is possible to induce people to certain behaviors by subjecting them to certain stimuli. In UX, this means that, through small stimuli in the interface, you can ensure the user behaves as expected. Therefore, when developing a digital product, it is important to consider the expected user behavior and what can be done to reinforce it. 

Cognitive Psychology is the study of internal mental processes and includes the study of perception, thinking, memory, attention, language, problem-solving, and learning. Studies on perception, memory, and attention are among the most important in the UX development routine: perception is how we capture and interpret external information through the senses and is related to selective attention. Users do not look around much; they generally focus only on the screen section where they are performing a task or where they assume the answer to their problem lies: our brain automatically filters out anything that does not seem necessary. 

Furthermore, it is essential that the experience makes sense from the perspective of structure and organization: the human mind is constantly looking for cognitive patterns, and these must make sense to the user. 

The relationship between user behaviour and brands

Sometimes, we are so obsessed with meeting user expectations that we fail to focus on the brand for which we are designing the experience. In other words, we lose focus on the differential line between users and clients. 

Before demystifying UX processes, it is worth understanding the relationship between customer and user experience, and the brand in a broader context: each element of the customer experience contributes to creating a better brand experience. 

So, what do the acronyms UI, UX, CX, and BX mean, and how do they relate to each other?

UI – USER INTERFACE: The space where interactions between humans and machines take place.

UX – USER EXPERIENCE: How we feel when we interact with a product or service.

CX – CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE: What happens when we interact with a product or service.

BX – BRAND EXPERIENCE: Build and aggregate the meaning of the brand in the consumer’s life.

UX + CX = BX: CX encompasses customer interactions with all facets of the brand, including the digital product, while UX is a part of the CX.

Users are at the heart of UX

As we’ve seen, UX is concerned with user motivations:

  • Why did they decide to access a website or an app?
  • What information do they need?
  • What problems are they facing?
  • What solutions are they looking for to solve them?

UX analyzes users’ minds to design an experience that gives them what they are looking for or need in a simple and direct way. Unlike UI, UX moves away from visual elements and focuses on connecting and engaging people with the product, building an experience that meets their expectations by identifying and eliminating gaps along the journeys.

UX should be guided by empathy

The UX team constantly seeks to put themselves in the user’s shoes and understand their logical reasoning. Their motivations and pain points are researched to understand how all the pieces fit together holistically to help people achieve their goals.

It is crucial to understand their problems and the journey they will take to get where they want to go. Research eliminates assumptions, allowing us to make informed decisions and apply rationales. True empathy cannot exist until we deeply know those we wish to reach.

In conclusion, UX is a multidisciplinary area that encompasses three fundamental characteristics:

  • Discovering and analyzing behaviors and mental models to understand them in their entirety and comprehensively (holistic doctrine);
  • Having the ability to put oneself in another’s place to understand their journeys and pain points, eliminating assumptions;
  • It should be considered a pivotal part of the macro scenario of the brand’s relationship with clients or potential clients.

In the next article, we will start from this point to detail activities and tools we use to design intentional and memorable experiences that simultaneously meet specific business objectives: How to solve a problem “the UX way”; What activities we perform in discovery, strategy, and analysis moments; How to design an effective experience and materialize the final product.

Read the second part of this article. 

Carlos NevesUX Framework: how to create memorable experiences


User Experience

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