Papersoft Apps: Starting your Paperless Office
In the actual digital world, paper based processes still pose as an obstacle to getting information to the right people and systems in an efficient, decentralised, agile, integrated, secure and – more importantly – timely way, while reducing gaps and eliminating business constraints. Papersoft Enterprise Mobile Capture is aimed at maximising productivity and addressing these obstacles by fully extending and automating enterprise document capture processes and record management, allowing customers and the knowledge workforce to participate directly in business processes.

Our Mobile Capture app, developed with the help of Xpand IT, allow us to leverage mobile device’s capture capabilities with a proper business context. It is also critical to manage users’ offline and online, enabling load balancing batch transactions.
Key Benefits:
- Reduces ecological footprint
- Increases productivity
- Dynamic responsiveness for business needs
- High-performance integration across departments
- Allows customers to: Capture/scan documents; Create PDFs; Create Electronic Digital Signatures; Encrypt data
Featured Technology:

Papersoft had the objective of developing an app focused on Android devices, but that it could be extended to other platforms like iOS and Windows. Papersoft enterprise mobile capture API and service oriented architecture, and the cloud (SaaS) readiness, enable organizations to optimize their capture processes by interfacing with multiple systems, remote platforms and devices enterprise-wide, unifying information silos and implementing transactional services.