Museu Fundação Oriente – Lisboa
30 de Maio | 08:45h – 17:30h
A 1ª edição do DnA 2019 (Data ‘n’ Analytics) está quase a chegar! No dia 30 de maio poderá acompanhar um evento de referência em Portugal, nas áreas de Big Data, Business Intelligence, Digital Xperience e Data Science – o core das empresas modernas.
Com uma dinâmica diferente e sob o mote Building a Smarter Future, o DnA 2019 focar-se-á na resolução dos problemas atuais que as empresas enfrentam: porque o futuro da sua organização começa agora!
Se é Gestor, Executivo, Analista de Negócios, Responsável de TI, Gestor de Data Warehouse e Infraestruturas, o DnA é para si – este evento será uma montra para o nosso expertise tecnológico, acompanhada de casos de aplicação prática de implementação de soluções end-to-end.
Faça já o seu registo gratuito e saiba de que forma as tecnologias que iremos apresentar poderão ajudá-lo a tomar melhores decisões
Paulo Lopes
Senior Partner & CEO
Xpand IT
Nuno Barreto
Partner & Big Data Lead
Xpand IT
Ricardo Pires
Partner & Business Intelligence Lead
Xpand IT
Sérgio Viana
Partner & Digital Xperience Lead
Xpand IT
Rute Ferreira
Enterprise Territory Manager – Iberia
Daniel Olaso
Solution Engineer – Big Data, Analytics & IoT
Hitachi Vantara
Boris Tchikoulaev
Team Lead – Business Intelligence & Data Science
Xpand IT
Pedro Adão
Smart home energy analytics
EDP Comercial
Luís Vicente
Big Data Manager
Xpand IT
08:30 – Acreditação
09:50 – Keynote: Mix and Matching: The Golden Ticket for smarter, faster & better decisions
Learn how a simple app can generate important data that, when processed correctly, can generate inputs that allow you to make more and better decisions. All this is only possible due to the intervention of areas as distinct but as complementary as Digital Xperience, Big Data, Business Intelligence and Data Science.
Sérgio Viana – Partner & Digital Xperience Lead, Xpand IT
Nuno Barreto – Partner & Big Data Lead, Xpand IT
Ricardo Pires – Partner & Business Intelligence Lead, Xpand IT
10:50 – Coffee-Break & Networking
11:15 – Keynote: Mix and Matching: The Golden Ticket for smarter, faster & better decisions (2ª parte)
Learn how a simple app can generate important data that, when processed correctly, can generate inputs that allow you to make more and better decisions. All this is only possible due to the intervention of areas as distinct but as complementary as Digital Xperience, Big Data, Business Intelligence and Data Science.
Sérgio Viana – Partner & Digital Xperience Lead, Xpand IT
Nuno Barreto – Partner & Big Data Lead, Xpand IT
Ricardo Pires – Partner & Business Intelligence Lead, Xpand IT
12:45 – Almoço patrocinado pela Xpand IT
Christian Violi – Channel Sales Director, Mediterranean Region, Cloudera
Filippo Lambiente – Senior Presales, Cloudera
Alexandre Baptista – Data and AI Architect, Microsoft Portugal
Discussing the challenges of Big Data and IoT and how they can be overcome with Pentaho, covering some use case examples and key capabilities
Daniel Olaso – Big Data, Analytics & IoT Sales Engineer, Hitachi Vantara
When it comes to elevating people with the power of data, only Tableau combines a laser focus on how people see and understand data with the kind of robust, scalable platform you need to run even the world’s largest organizations. We will learn more about how the Tableau platform helps you turn your data into insights that drive action—while making your IT team happy, too
Rute Ferreira Enterprise Territory Manager, Tableau
Sala Beijing
How getting data out of the silo and letting more brains, hands and partners on it can increase value creation for the client.
Pedro Adão – Smart Home Energy Analytics , EDP Comercial
João Mira – IT Manager, Santander
Data Science projects often consist in activities hard to manage and present to stakeholders, such as exploratory analysis and hypothesis testing, which might result in detachment leading to unsuccessful results. The more we follow a high-level workflow, the easier we present and translate technical results into manageable milestones
Boris Tchikoulaev – Business Intelligence & Data Science Lead, Xpand IT
In order to extract valuable insights from the fast growing data, companies need to be able to leverage Data Science environments in conjunction with scale-out platforms. In this presentation we will cover the key concepts for these strategies and challenges that companies may face
Luis Vicente Scalable Data and Data Science Environments, Xpand IT
Sala Nova Deli
(Apenas com convite e com vagas limitadas)
Vanessa Ramos – Project Manager BI , Xpand IT
Paulo Nunes – Big Data Architect , Xpand IT
16:50 – Sessão de Encerramento & Networking
És estudante?
Tens interesse por estes temas, e gostavas de aprender com alguns dos melhores profissionais no mercado?
Não percas mais tempo! inscreve-te já, é grátis!
A inscrição é gratuita, contudo existem algumas limitações. Para este evento não serão aceites inscrições de empresas fornecedoras de serviços de TI, registos efetuados usando o email pessoal e estudantes.
Relembramos ainda que a sua inscrição só será válida após confirmação por parte da Xpand IT. O pré-registo neste evento deve ser realizado através do formulário online ou pelo e-mail: [email protected].
Museu Fundação do Oriente
Av. Brasília 352,
1350-352 Lisboa | Google Maps
Data: 30 de maio, 2019