Pentaho & Big Data Ecosystem – Live Seminar was held on 29th March at Conrad London St. James, London. This event had a total of 109 registrations and 33 participants, who represented some of the largest companies in interest areas such as Banking, Insurance, Transportation, Consulting Services, Education, etc.
In general, the survey participants felt very positive about this event, organised by Xpand IT and in collaboration with Pentaho and Cloudera. Every survey respondent considered the event either Excellent (58%) or Good (47%), which can lead us to the conclusion that this event was useful and attention-grabbing to the attendees. Regarding the speakers, the opinion was the same: Excellent (53%) or Good (37%). The surveys were distributed to obtain useful information for internal feedback and to achieve even better results in future UK events. The study covered topics such as Global Appreciation; Promotion; Quality of Speakers; More Information Interest; etc.
This event was the second one in the UK, and to Xpand IT the main goals were reached. As a leader enterprise in Big Data and Business Intelligence technologies and solutions, Xpand IT could share know-how with all the participants and find new collaboration projects.
Here are some photos:
Reception @Conrad London St. James
Pentaho Data Integration by André Simões – Business Intelligence & Big Data Evangelist @Xpand IT
Cloudera: One Platform to Rule Them All by Nuno Barreto – Partner & Big Data Lead @Xpand IT
Coffee-break & Networking
Coffee-break & Networking
Near Real-Time Components by Mark Samson – Principal Systems Engineer @Cloudera
Take a look at the presentations:
Content and Digital Coordinator