Insurance is one of the biggest industries of the world
This industry, much as we’ve been witnessing with the banking industry, is slowly but surely being disrupted by the adoption of new and advanced technologies. For the last few years, a number of factors have been responsible for the disruption of many industries. For example, 85% of consumers with insurance would like their insurer to give them insight into how they can lower their premium, by suggesting changes in behaviour.
IT generated in 2018 more than
5,0 trillion dollars
Swisse Re Institute
Free Download“With the emergence of readily accessible information, this local focus widened and allowed for 24/7 active comparison and competition, e.g. via online direct sales or price comparison sites
Digital Xperience in Insurance
Smartphones are – nowadays – able to help us accomplish a great variety of things. It’s no surprise that today’s digital-savvy customer expects to find the same kind of intuitive, pleasant experiences with insurance mobile applications as they do with their most used mobile applications. Insurance is a big part of the financial market and therefore, it’s only natural that insurers are focused on making the shift to mobile-first.
RPA and Automation
Challenges & Opportunities
Results & Insights
Future of Insurance
Alongside the numerous opportunities that the industry will need to take advantage of, the challenges it needs to address and tackle can be summed up in four different themes:
Different generations of consumers have different behaviours and needs and insurers need to understand how different customers behave in order to offer them more relevant services to their unique needs.
The relationship between consumers and insurers hasn’t been a good one for as long as insurers exist, and this is a lose-lose situation. For generations, this cycle has been a very accurate description of insurance, and it is time to break it.
With advanced analytics and technology such as big data, insurers can have access to real-time data on their customers which opens up an opportunity to access their customers’ life, habits and health statistics.
The potential of cyber-attacks and threats is growing with every year that goes by. But this may also present an opportunity since individuals and businesses may be willing to buy insurance that covers losses that originate from cyber-attacks.
When done right – meaning that you need to have context and content available to create those kinds of interactions with your customer – personalisation is key to create a successful, unique, and more personal relationship with your customers.
Currently, insurers can have access to real-time information from their customers and, in fact, all this information is crucial in order for insurers to reassess risk and price.
Automation has enormous potential for improving business outcomes and customer experience and it lowers costs as well as helping the company remain competitive in the face of the market’s changing conditions.
According to Blockchain 101, the five key benefits of the technology include better transparency, enhanced security, reduced costs, traceability, and finally, speed and efficiency.
Digitalization is what a client does not see but feels. Digital is what a client sees and feels. If ‘digitalization’ equals to efficiency, digital is a synonym of experience. Because it is a relevant and emotional experience in life that makes a difference at the end of the day. And it is with this clear vision that we guide our strategic choices in technology with Médis.