Managing Marketing teams with Atlassian tools

Organizing work is a constant concern for all companies. Who delegates what? How is progress on that crucial project? How do we evaluate the team workload? These are legitimate questions, and Atlassian tools are important allies in helping optimize your team operations. Using the practical example of Xpand IT’s Marketing team, we demonstrate the potential of these tools for business teams.

Confluence: facilitating knowledge management and sharing

Regardless of the industry your organization operates in, Confluence is an essential platform for knowledge management and sharing. This tool allows teams to share projects, results, and other useful information for the company. With its structured framework, Confluence can be considered an internal social network that facilitates the flow of information and keeps everyone in the organization updated on the various team projects.  

In the case of Xpand IT’s Marketing team, Confluence serves two main purposes: documenting team processes and providing an operational strategic overview of marketing initiatives. The quick and easy access to information makes all employees feel involved in the projects, promoting and reinforcing the team culture.  

Additionally, everyone on the team can access documentation on how to perform specific tasks. This ensures that information is not lost with specific employees. With Confluence, everyone has a voice and can share feedback and learnings.  

The impact of Confluence can also be seen in multidisciplinary teams, such as Marketing and Sales. Even though these teams operate at different levels, Confluence allows both to have access to the same information and contribute to the same space, thereby streamlining processes dependent on both teams.  

These are just a few examples of the benefits that Confluence can bring to a team. However, it is important to note that the platform requires some attention from the team, as it can easily be forgotten and become outdated. Active maintenance of the tool is essential to ensure that it continues to be useful and effective in the team’s knowledge management.

team management

Jira: optimizing the work of business teams

Jira, traditionally associated with software development teams, is also a valuable tool for business teams, such as Marketing and Operations. The platform allows teams to visualize all their tasks in a more practical, intuitive, and collaborative way, facilitating work management and coordination among different team members.  

In the context of a business team, Jira can be used to organize marketing campaigns, plan events, or manage any other initiative – whether operational or strategic. The workflow of Xpand IT’s Marketing team in Jira is divided into five phases: 

  • Backlog & planning: all tasks in the pipeline that still need to be assigned to different team members, according to their various skills. 
  • In progress: all tasks that are assigned and are currently being executed. 
  • In review: all tasks that require some form of approval, whether from Marketing team members or external stakeholders. 
  • Done: all tasks that have been completed. 
  • Blocked/canceled: all tasks that are blocked by external factors or have been canceled. 

 Let’s consider a practical example: the publication of this article on our blog. In Jira, a specific task was created for this article, to which different subtasks were assigned, corresponding to the different steps that need to be completed to ensure that the article is published on the planned date. This way, we can assign different tasks to different team members, correlate dependencies, and manage the work both at the individual and collective levels:

team management

Following this approach, the Marketing team can visualize and manage the required workload for each project, optimizing the time and efficiency of the resources available to the team at that moment. 

Additionally, Jira offers the possibility to customize workflows according to the team’s specific needs. For example, for a marketing campaign, a workflow might include steps such as brainstorming, content creation, review, approval, and launch. Each of these steps can be monitored in Jira, ensuring that everyone involved knows which phase the project is in and what needs to be done to move it forward. Furthermore, it is also possible to integrate with Confluence documentation, ensuring that the entire team has access to the most up-to-date information on the various procedures related to a particular project. 

With this tool, the Marketing team significantly improved transparency and efficiency in managing their marketing initiatives, resulting in better internal alignment, timely project delivery, and meeting the expectations of various stakeholders.


In this article, we discussed how some of Atlassian’s tools – Confluence and Jira – are used daily by our Marketing team. However, Atlassian tools go far beyond what we presented here. From personalising workflows in Jira to knowledge management in Confluence, the solutions that improve team collaboration are numerous.

Xpand IT is a global company that acts as an Atlassian Gold Solution Partner in Portugal, developing Atlassian services and products around collaboration and work process management for teams across multiple sectors. Our know-how, combined with our experience in Atlassian technology, allows us to provide various specialized consulting services for the installation, configuration, migration and upgrade, customization, support, training, assessment, and empowerment of Atlassian tools. Find out more here.

Filipa MorenoManaging Marketing teams with Atlassian tools


Collaboration Tools

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